1-on-1 Coaching

Because every effective job search starts with an action plan!

One on one scrabble tiles

A fresh new resume is great when you know your intended career direction. A spruced-up LinkedIn profile works wonders on the job search if you know what you're looking for. But what if you don't know either?

What if you're...

  • Going through the motions everyday at a job you hate and you feel like you're missing out on your purpose

  • Feeling like you should be miles ahead in your career

  • Feeling like you took a position because it was "a good look" but you don't actually love it

  • Wavering between a few potential career paths and need to look at the bigger picture of each

  • 100% not sure what career path to venture onto next

  • Having analysis paralysis by researching, researching, researching and never actually making progress

You, my superstar friend, are someone who would LOVE coaching. Why?

Coaching gives you the clarity you're looking for. You'll gain structure, ease, and support in your job search as we work together, in a safe space, to come up with your next best possible move. How do we do that? With my tried-and-true phases approach.

Phase 1: Clarity

We're deep diving to figure out your ideal industry, position, and salary based on your personal and professional interests. We're also upskilling here to close any potential skill/experience gaps.

Phase 2: Storytelling

We're optimizing your resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter to tell a cohesive career story and market you for your next level role.

Phase 3: Network

We're using my tips and personalized templates to grow your network and leverage those connections into referrals for jobs.

Phase 4: Application

We're tactfully and intentionally applying for quality roles (the best job search emphasizes quality > quantity).

Phase 5: Interviewing

We're brushing up on your interviewing skills to ensure you speak confidently about your abilities and land the offer.

Phase 6: Negotiation and Onboarding

We're negotiating your salary (because who couldn't use a few more $$$ in their pocket) and setting you up with a 30-60-90 day game plan for achieving success in your new role.

The beauty of coaching is we can spend more or less time in specific phases to meet your needs!

1-on-1 coaching is just $500 per month, inclusive of 4 sessions (1x/week), workbooks, templates, and unlimited client ↔️ coach messaging.

Schedule a free, no strings attached introductory call here to learn more about our coaching package!